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What is Account-Based Sales?

Account-based sales is an omnichannel B2B sales method in which each target company (also known as an “account”) is treated as its own “market.” Sales representatives develop a unique, highly personalized sales strategy for each potential business customer. By customizing their messaging for each lead, sales reps hope to increase their conversion and retention rates.

How Does Account-Based Sales Work?

Because account-based sales seek to strengthen customer relationships, your customers will come to expect high-quality engagements at each step of the sales pipeline. Due to the large amount of effort required, account-based sales needs buy-in from other teams as well: not only from your sales reps but also from marketing, customer service, finance, and product development.

This account-based model can also be used in other business functions, such as “account-based marketing.” When used across the organization, it’s often called “account-based everything.”

Account-based sales need a lot of attention and investment, which means it isn’t the right fit for every product (or even for every organization). For example, if you sell a basic software product with a monthly $40 subscription fee to a wide audience, the effort required for account-based sales likely isn’t worth it. On the other hand, if you sell highly specialized software to a niche audience that pays a high price for your services, account-based sales can help improve your conversion rate, which will dramatically increase your bottom-line revenue.

What are the Benefits of Account-Based Sales?

The advantages of an account-based sales approach include:

  • A high degree of personalization: Study after study has shown that highly personalized sales messaging, as used in account-based sales, is more effective in gaining people’s interest and converting them to paying customers.
  • Targeted messaging: Account-based sales allow you to target multiple people within an organization, using targeted messaging for each one. For example, CEOs may be more receptive to information about how your product increases productivity and efficiency, while CFOs might be looking for how your product cuts costs.

Account-based sales are an invaluable tactic for increasing business revenue. What’s more, it can be made even more effective with the right sales technology for digitally transforming your business.

Are you looking for a sales engagement solution that can improve the performance of your sales team? Conquer can help. Book a meeting with our sales team today to discuss how Conquer Cadence, the only Sales Engagement Platform Truly Native to Salesforce, can help your team.

What is Cadence Software?

Cadence software is a tool or application that allows sellers to leverage omni-channel (email, phone, video, social, text) sales cadences to communicate with prospects and customers.

Defining and implementing the right sales cadences can mean the difference between a dysfunctional sales workflow and an automated sales workflow that dramatically increases your revenue and grows the business. Sales cadence software tools are therefore essential to unlocking your sales representatives’ success and productivity and achieving successful sales management.

The Benefits of Cadence Software Include:

  • Greater predictability: With cadence software, all sales reps have access to the same information and workflows at their fingertips. This introduces predictability and reliability into your sales processes, rather than haphazard attempts at lead conversion.
  • Scaling your sales pipeline: Thanks to sales automation, cadence software helps your sales reps free up more of the finite hours in their workday. As a result, it’s dramatically easier to scale your sales pipeline and reach out to more leads in less time.

Cadence software should help you with the various components of building a sales cadence:

  • Timing (days of the week and times of day to make contact)
  • Frequency (how often to reach out to prospects)
  • Channel (communication methods such as phone calls, emails, social media, etc.)
  • Audience (the various groups and segments of different types of prospects)
  • Content (sales material such as e-books, white papers and case studies)

Another name for cadence software is a sales engagement platform. At Conquer, we have the only SEP truly native to Salesforce – Conquer Cadence.

Want to learn more?

Book a meeting with our sales team today to discuss how Conquer Cadence, the only Sales Engagement Platform Truly Native to Salesforce, can help your team.

What is Digital Sales?

Digital sales is the term used to describe a sales rep’s utilization of virtual channels to contact potential prospects, provide them with education on your product or service and ultimately provide them with a solution that satisfies their unique needs.

Digital sales give sales reps the ability to build relationships through both social and digital channels. This methodology was popularized during the pandemic but is likely here to stay. Digital sales aren’t intended to completely replace traditional sales, but rather exist to enhance sales through the use of digital channels. These digital channels give you much needed access to key information that, in turn, helps you make smarter, quicker decisions.

How to Create a Digital Sales Model

There are several different strategies you can utilize in the creation of your digital sales model. First and foremost is the use of customer data. Whether this includes data your business already has on file or data you and your business can collect from social media profiles and the like, this customer data helps you to better understand your customer and better sell to them specifically.

Another key component of the creation of a digital sales model is the utilization of digital channels. Whether it be social media, email, text messaging or video, digital channels can help you create a digital sales model that gets the most out of its virtual channels.

Beyond this, there’s also the distribution of digital content to your leads. From personalized content you created yourself to curated content you gathered from third party sources to online case studies that show real-world examples of your product or service in action, digital content can take your digital sales model to the next level.

A critical tool for a digital sales model is a sales engagement platform that allows your sales team to reach prospects via omnichannel sales cadences.

Want to learn more about Conquer’s SEP? Book a meeting with our sales team today.

What is an Email Cadence?

An email cadence is a sequence of emails sent to prospects and customers via a sales engagement platform. Getting an email cadence right can mean the difference between a company that feels annoying to customers – and one that feels valuable, informative and worth building a strong relationship with.

When your business depends on making sales regularly to generate revenue, you should be using every channel available to you to reach potential leads and prospects. One of the most important avenues through which you should be communicating to potential customers today is email. If you can master the sales email, you can ensure you get your company on your audience’s radar—then ultimately convince them to buy. An important part of nailing sales emails is nailing the right email cadence.

Mastering Email Cadences

Here are some tips so you can master email cadence at your company

  • Sign up for competitors’ newsletters or email lists to see their nurturing sequence/email cadence. This can give you some good insight into what other companies in your field are doing, and to see if it feels like it works—or pushes you away.
  • Use a data collecting and analyzing tool. Data is your friend when it comes to getting the rhythm of your emails right, so make concrete, information-based decisions instead of guessing when to send your emails.
  • Get customer feedback. Your leads and customers may simply respond or unsubscribe to your emails, letting you know your email cadence isn’t quite right. Use their feedback to guide how you tweak the cadence.

Emails are a critical part of any sales cadence. Conquer Cadence allows you to create email cadences directly within Salesforce.

Want to learn more about Conquer Cadence? Book a meeting with our sales team today.

What is Guided Selling?

Guided selling is a sales process that allows sellers to have better buyer engagements by helping them deliver the right message, via the right channels at the right time, eliminating the guesswork, and giving them more time to do what they do best – sell.

Today, people who work in digital sales can consistently rely on technology to help improve their sales processes. Guided selling is a seller-centric process of utilizing technological sales tools to help sales team members find more potential customers, nurture more leads, and close more deals in a more efficient manner than ever before.

What Is Guided Selling? The Basics

B2B buyer journeys are faster than ever today, with more knowledge and information always at everyone’s fingertips. To close more deals, B2B salespeople need access to data-driven insights, which can guide how they engage with their leads. When businesses utilize a guided selling process, they create a consistent system by which all sellers approach and nurture their customers. Guided selling is often done using a sales engagement platform and uses buyer data to ensure that every customer interaction is meaningful and effective and that every action taken by a seller adds value to a potential customer’s journey — so at every touchpoint with a potential seller, they feel more driven to buy.

Guided Selling: The Benefits

Guided selling codifies and creates a consistent selling process based on data. This helps all salespeople at an organization close deals, regardless of their experience or the depth of their relationship with potential customers. There are more benefits to guided selling, including:

  • More time selling: With guided selling, reps don’t have to worry about when they should send messages and via what channels as they are leveraging a pre-built sales cadence that streamlines the selling process.
  • Reps become invaluable consultants: Guided selling allows sales reps to become subject matter and product experts in their field. Customers can completely rely on a sales rep to know what they need and when they’ll need it.
  • Reps create repeat buyers: With sales reps who are so good at knowing what a customer needs and when they need it, customers are happy with their buying experience — and they return to buy the next product or service when they’ve outgrown their first purchase because the first purchase met their needs so well.

Learn how Conquer can help your company with guided selling. Book a meeting with our sales team today!

What is Inside Sales?

Inside sales is a selling process that takes place remotely—rather than from within any office-based environment. The process of inside sales differs from selling in the days of yore, once called “outside sales”; no longer do inside sales professionals rely on any in-person meetings between the salesperson (or team) and their lead or potential customer.

Inside Sales: A Tech-Reliant Sales Technique

Instead of in-person meetings, inside sales teams rely on technological solutions to handle the selling process from the comfort of their own office (or remote workspace), and they may utilize a range of tools to help them communicate with leads in an effective manner, like the computer, smartphone, or even social media networks.

Sometimes, inside sales is done via email communications—and sometimes, inside sales teams use telephone technology, in conjunction with integrated sales software, that helps them sell via phone and keep track of every interaction along the way.

You may have heard the term before, and wondered: what is inside sales? One reason you may not have heard the term—despite the popularity of the process—is because the selling technique has become so ubiquitous that nearly all people mean “inside sales” when they simply use the term “sales.”

Benefits of Inside Sales

Inside sales works for both B2C and B2B businesses, but it has been more comprehensively adopted in the B2B realm. Why are inside sales so important and what are the benefits of adopting an inside sales approach?

  • Boosted productivity: Conduct all selling from your desk, without needing to take time to travel and meet with potential leads in person
  • Happier customers: Surveys show that even customers prefer to be sold to via online or phone communication, and not in-person meetings. Choose the type of selling that most appeals to the people whose buy-in you want.
  • More streamlined in-office processes: Inside sales allows you to communicate from the office and keep track of all interactions in one place. That way anyone in any department can see how a lead has been contacted and where they’re at in the process, and it can help ensure there is no redundant communication, and that everyone is addressed in a way that moves the process forward. No more selling, marketing, or offering support in silos.

Ready to learn more about Conquer Cadence? Book a meeting with our sales team today!

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