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Your go-to hub for top sales strategies backed by real data


How to Craft Sales Emails that Get Responses

Email is a powerful sales tool, but only if used effectively. Crafting effective sales emails requires a mix of art and data, along with a thoughtful approach.

Guided Selling for Sales Leaders: 10 Reasons to Leverage Guided Selling in 2023

In today’s day and age, sales teams – from field AEs through SDRs – are more dispersed and remote than ever. New technologies and strategies are required to keep performance levels high in the current selling landscape. One strategy companies can leverage to maintain productivity is guided selling. Download “Guided Selling for Sales Leaders: 10 Reasons to Leverage Guided Selling in 2023” to learn about the benefits sales leaders will see by implementing guided selling. Please fill out the form to access the eBook.

Conquer Recognized As A Leader In The 2021 Aragon Research Globe For Sales Enablement Platforms

We are proud to announce Conquer’s has been recognized as a Leader in the 2021 Aragon Research Globe™ for Sales Enablement Platforms. Aragon’s 4th Annual Report ranks 14 major sales enablement providers based on two factors: strategic company vision and performance aligned with achieving that vision.


Email is a powerful sales tool, but only if used effectively. Crafting effective sales emails requires a mix of art and data, along with a...
In today’s day and age, sales teams – from field AEs through SDRs – are more dispersed and remote than ever. New technologies and strategies...
We are proud to announce Conquer’s has been recognized as a Leader in the 2021 Aragon Research Globe™ for Sales Enablement Platforms. Aragon’s 4th Annual...
Conquer Cadence is the only Sales Engagement Platform (SEP) to provide full access to all communication channels from inside Salesforce....

How to Integrate New Sales Tools Effectively

Integrating new sales tools into your workflow is essential for remaining competitive in today’s sales landscape. Though all sales tools are designed to heighten performance, enrich customer engagement, and smoothen operations, effective integration holds the magic for unlocking their full power.

Integrating New Sales Tools in 5 Steps

If not well-planned, these very tools might make the processes more complicated than they should be. Whether you’re adding CRM platforms, automation software, or advanced analytics, your goal is to enhance your existing sales processes and boost productivity seamlessly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do that.

1. Evaluate your current workflow

Before introducing new sales tools in your organization, it’s crucial to consider the running systems and processes within your organization. 


Take a step back and observe how your sales team works on a day-to-day basis. Do inefficiencies stand in the way of your team? For example, are reps repeating certain manual tasks, irregular follow-ups with prospects, or data coming from too many disconnected sources? This often makes them waste time and lose those opportunities.


Identifying these gaps helps you choose sales tools for specific pain points and avoid too many complex additions. For instance, if your team has to waste too much time on administrative tasks, consider automation tools that automate tasks like scheduling and follow-up emails

If your team needs help managing customer relationships, something like Conquer will also help. Since Conquer is native to Salesforce, it effortlessly allows reps to stay within one platform without losing track of important touchpoints.

2. Get a buy-in from your sales team

Introducing new sales tools can be a two-edged sword: even the best sales tools will amount to nothing if your team does not accept them. The most common issues with implementing new technology are resistance due to feeling overwhelmed by extra software or uncertainty about its benefits.


The key here is early buy-in with your selling team. Instead, include your team in some aspect of the decision-making process. Explain to them how these sales tools will directly help them by making their jobs easier and more efficient. 


For instance, automation software that takes over mundane tasks like data entry or follow-up emails lets your reps focus more on selling and building relationships. Demonstrating real-world benefits like these helps to frame the conversation from “one more tool to learn” to “a tool that saves me time and effort.”


In addition to communicating the benefits, solid training should be provided. Even for the most intuitive of tools, training is necessary to ensure your team knows how to get the most out of them. Provide practical training sessions, access to tutorials, and ongoing support so that your team feels competent in effectively using the new technology.

3. Scale up gradually

Whenever it comes to integrating sales tools, it helps to start the transition on a small scale. Rather than enacting this new tool across your entire sales team all at once, consider scaling it back by introducing it to smaller groups. This will give you a very effective first test phase to get feedback and troubleshoot issues.


Consider introducing a new tool to a subsection of your sales representatives who are more comfortable with technology or more open to new processes. These will help inform the wider rollout and let them be internal champions in promoting the use of the tool. This also minimizes disruption and helps create early success stories that can boost wider adoption.


Another consideration is tool scalability. Find tools that will grow with your business and your sales team. When your current customer base grows, you need a tool to support more data and more complex workflows. Platforms like Conquer are built to scale with your business, meaning your tools will remain relevant no matter how large your operation becomes.

4. Work out the kinks of data migration

Data migration is perhaps the most complicated part of onboarding new sales tools. Seamlessly shifting data from one system to another is crucial for record-keeping and operational continuity. 


This entails customer information, records of sales activities, and communications histories, which could be time-consuming and vulnerable to errors if their execution is not well thought out. That’s why teams must collaborate closely with their IT staff or support from vendors to avoid data loss during the migration. 


You should have a clear roadmap of how it should take place, including steps required to validate data for accuracy. You would also want to test the migration on a small scale before fully committing to the new system. Tools like Conquer make this process easier because all your data resides on one platform, so there’s no need to sync from and to other platforms.

5. Monitor performance & make adjustments

Once your new sales tools are up and running, it’s actually time to monitor their performance. The first step in this regard is setting specific goals and metrics to determine how well the tool has impacted your sales operations. Are your reps now closing deals at a faster rate? Is your lead conversion rate going up? Has customer engagement risen?


By monitoring these metrics, you can understand how well this new tool works and where else to make other adjustments. Real-time analytics can also be particularly helpful here. Apps like  Conquer provide real-time information regarding sales performance to help make real-time strategy changes based on what is working and what isn’t. 


If some of the features are not working as expected, do not be afraid to make adjustments or reassess training so your team is adequately using the tool. Remember, the best sales tools are agile and flexible; you can mold them as your needs change with time. As a business grows, so do the sales processes, and your tools should facilitate this growth.

Monitor performance & make adjustments

Building a continuous improvement culture

Implementation of a new sales tool is never a one-and-done project. Encouraging a spirit of improvement in the sales team will help keep the outcome of your efforts longer. 


Let them know that the representatives can study all the tool’s features and share knowledge with colleagues. Schedule regular knowledge-sharing sessions where the team members can discuss best practices and suggest specific hacks to extract maximum potential from the tools.


You’ll also want to stay on top of updates and new features released by the tool’s manufacturer. That way, when changes come along in the system, you are updated, and your tools will continue to be as effective as your business evolves.

Wrapping up

Success in sales does not happen overnight. When integrating new sales tools, consider your integration carefully, start small, train comprehensively, and monitor performance—you can be certain your tools will deliver what they promise.


It’s not just about tacking new software onto the tech stack; it’s making sure every single tool you have serves a clear purpose, solves real challenges, and ultimately drives better results. If you want to integrate a sales tool that ticks all these boxes, try Conquer today!

Why ABM is the Key to B2B Growth | TFOS E1

Discover the future of B2B sales with insights from top industry experts. In this episode, we dive into the evolving buyer’s journey, the rise of ABM, and how aligning sales and marketing can drive success.

Future of Selling Podcast: Key Takeaways from Episode 1

Success in sales is a transformative process. It’s all about who your customer is, embracing technology, and smoothing your strategy over and over. In our latest Conquer podcast episode, we talked about the changing landscape of B2B sales and marketing and how we can leverage that change to take sales performance to a totally new level.


We also discussed the evolution of the buyer’s journey post COVID-19, and ABM’s growing importance in driving engagement. Here are the main takeaways from this podcast.

Buyers are staying behind the veil longer

One of the big shifts in B2B sales today is that buyers are spending more and more time staying “behind the veil” until they’re ready to actually engage with a sales team. The internet makes so much information accessible that enables buyers to self-educate before they ever reach out.


In fact, by the time a prospect contacts a sales representative, they are well into the buying decision process. Because of that, both sales and marketing must revisit how they conduct outreach.


It’s no longer about chasing leads. Today, it’s about being relevant to those touchpoints where buyers do their research so that when they want to make a purchase, your company is at the top of their minds.

For that, businesses need quality and relevant content to inform the buyers and gain their trust. The right content strategy will give your company thought leadership positioning and attract buyers before they are ready to engage.

ABM requires a proactive approach

Account-based marketing (ABM) was another key focus of the podcast. As Peter and Julia noted, ABM flips traditional marketing by being really proactive against specific high-value accounts rather than sitting back and waiting for the leads to come to you.


ABM demands deep insight into the target accounts, personal outreach, and full alignment of sales and marketing teams.


What’s more, for ABM to be truly effective, it is not only about targeting the right accounts but delivering the right message at the right time. This involves close alignment between sales and marketing to coordinate the messaging and timing.

In the podcast, Conquer CRO, Rick Smith also discussed how personalization extends beyond merely naming a customer’s name in an email. It goes deeper; it is actually to understand a customer’s needs, preferences, and pain points.


Just think of sending an email that not only uses the client’s first name but refers to his recent purchase or particular challenge he faces. Stuff like this develops a kind of assurance in your words and depicts a sense of concern for others. 


When competition is hot, these personal touches are just what you need to make a difference and develop long-lasting relationships with your audience.

Streamlining sales processes is a must

We all know time is money, and in sales, this is even more important. In the podcast, Rick discussed how streamlining the sales process helps improve effectiveness. 


As he explains it, the more your sales get bogged down with mundane and repetitive tasks, such as sending follow-up emails and setting up calls, the less time there is left for what actually matters: building relationships and closing deals.


Automation tools can be used to get the routine tasks out of the way. While freeing your time, you are equipping your team to involve themselves meaningfully with clients. Besides, a well-defined sales process helps observe bottlenecks and lagging areas. 


Another important aspect here is smart insights. Having insights is almost like a secret weapon in today’s data-driven world. Rick further explained how sales leaders can leverage technology to enable their sales teams to make informed decisions. You can track KPIs and get further insight into customer behavior with the right tooling.

Sales leaders need to stay ahead of the curve

The sales landscape keeps evolving; sales leaders must learn continuously to keep up with it. Unlike in the past, where the process was more linear, today’s buyers move through multiple channels, jump back and forth between stages, and often engage with multiple touchpoints before making a purchase decision.


Among the key takeaways from our podcast, Rick details how encouraging a learning culture within your sales team is the best thing you can do. This often entails mapping the buyer’s journey and creating tailored content and touchpoints for each stage. 


For example, when sales and marketing teams understand how their prospects move through the funnel, they can engage in a way that feels more personalized and less transactional.

Sales leaders need to stay ahead of the curve

Sales do not exist in a vacuum, and one of the more salient points made by Rick was the need for departments to cooperate. When sales teams are on good terms and working effectively with marketing and customer support, they’re able to build a much better all-around strategy that enhances the customer experience at every touch point.

Marketing shares their insight into customer behavior with the sales team, which the latter can use to refine their approach. Customer support passes common client issues on to the sales team, which the salespeople can bring up in their pitches. This communication between departments ensures a consistent message is brought to the customers.

What tools are essential for sales growth?

With some key insights on streamlining sales processes, Rick also pointed out some tools that will assist in implementing these strategies with verve. Be it CRM software, email automation, or analytics platforms, the right tools make all the difference.


For example, customer relationship management systems like Conquer are essential. These platforms help you manage interactions with your customers and track sales activities. They can also provide insight into customer history and preferences for personalized engagement.


On the other hand, email automation tools take over follow-ups and outreach via email, freeing your sales team to work on relationships rather than get bored with administrative work. Analytics software also gives leaders insight into customer behavior, informing them of their sales strategy and where to adjust.


Remember, when you choose the tools, consider what will make life easier for your team and how those solutions will impact them on a daily basis. You want to enable your sales team, not make it harder on them.

Wrapping Up

The insights shared in our latest Conquer podcast episode speak to a few key elements of sales success: personalization, streamlining processes, data-driven decisions, continuous learning, and collaboration. When applied properly, these strategies can help you bring sales success in today’s competitive sales environment.

Now, with these takeaways in your mind, think about how you could implement them within your organization. If you need more insight on how to make it all work, get the Future of Selling eBook today!

Coaching Your Coaches: Improving Managerial Effectiveness

Coaching Your Coaches: Improving Managerial Effectiveness

Tuesday, October 22

12 PM EST / 9 AM PST

Are you measuring your coaching? Join Conquer’s Chief Operating and Customer Officer, Rick Smith, and learn how to leverage a consistent, objective sales coaching process using AI to level up your sellers, distribute best practices, and drive more productivity.

Gain insight on how Conquer enables our customers to keep their sales teams agile and ahead of their competitors with AI technology. You won’t want to miss this presentation!


Rick Smith,
Chief Operating and Customer Officer


5 Emerging Trends in Sales Technology

The latest advancements in sales technology are transforming how businesses engage with customers and close deals. Understanding these trends gives your company the edge to streamline operations, enhance customer relationships, and boost sales performance. Let’s explore the key sales trends shaping the future of sales success.

5 Sales Trends to Look Out For in 2025

Let’s discuss some of the most critical trends in sales and how they are restructuring the future of success in sales.

1. AI in Sales

Artificial intelligence is one of the most important trends in sales technology. AI is being applied to improve many aspects of the selling process, from lead scoring to customer relationship maintenance. 


AI-powered tools analyze vast volumes of data, outline patterns, and deliver actionable insights that drive more informed decisions from sales teams. For example, AI will predict which leads are most likely to convert so that the sales representatives put their efforts into closing deals faster.


AI is also starting to play an essential role in personalization. AI personalizes outreach to the level of individual preferences and needs by parsing customer data and behaviors for far better communication. The ability of AI to process data in real-time and optimize interactions with each prospect means personalization at scale is no longer a daunting task. 


We can see this trend in tools such as Salesforce Einstein, which is now pushing predictive analytics and personalized insights to help drive better sales outcomes.


AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are also gaining popularity in sales. These can handle queries, qualify leads, and even set meetings, freeing valuable time for the sales representatives to focus on higher-value activities. As AI technology evolves, we expect to see even more advanced capabilities that streamline the process and improve efficiency

2. Automation

Another key trend in the sales technology marketplace is the rise in the use of automation to streamline processes and eradicate repetition. Automation tools like Conquer will continue freeing sales teams from administrative tasks so they can focus on other critical areas; these include tasks such as data entry, follow-up emails, and setting appointments. 


Such automation saves them much-needed time that is usually used up in these activities, and instead, they can focus on building relationships and closing deals. These tools empower sales teams by automating their workflow to ensure leads are noticed and prospects can immediately respond to follow-up emails


For example, when a lead reaches out to your website or content, automation sends follow-up emails automatically, or it can schedule a call on behalf of your sales team without even requiring one touch from them.


Automation can also provide valuable insights into the customer journey. Tracking multi-channel interactions, the tools enable a sales team to understand where their prospect is in the buying process and what activities are needed to move them further. 


This trend in sales technology is helping sales leaders create more effective strategies and optimize the performance of their teams.

3. Data-driven decision making

As sales technology becomes increasingly sophisticated, tapping into data to inform decisions has become a crucial trend in sales. Sales teams are now hooking more onto the data for strategy guidance, performance measurement, and overall effectiveness. 


Equipped with real-time analytics, sales leaders can track key performance indicators like conversion rates, deal velocity, and customer engagement-more understandable to see what really works and what needs an adjustment.


With advanced data visualization and reporting, tools like Tableau and Power BI enable sales teams to take raw data and turn it into actionable insights. They let sales leaders identify trends, forecast future performance, and make informed decisions. And, the more sales technology evolves, the more this trend toward fueling decision-making with data will grow.


Predictive analytics is also gaining momentum as one of the strongest tools among sales teams. Using predictive analytics tools to analyze historical data, sales leaders can now forecast which leads are most likely to convert or which customers are at risk of churn. 


This enables sales teams to be more proactive with outreach and tailor their strategies based on predictive models to help them improve win rates and customer retention.

4. Omnichannel sales

Another great emerging trend in sales is omnichannel sales engagement. The modern buyer is interested in frictionless interaction with companies across different touchpoints, such as email, social media, phone, and chat.


Equally, the need to meet such expectations by buyers has seen sales teams gradually shift toward adopting omnichannel strategies in the way they engage prospects and customers on the platforms of their choice for a more personalized and consistent relationship.


Omnichannel sales engagement tools let sales teams take several modes of communication and bring them into one single platform. In other words, everything gets logged and followed through in one space. This not only makes life a hell of a lot easier for the customer but also means the sales team has full visibility over every step of the customer’s journey. 


All touchpoints give way to more targeted and relevant messaging to the sales, enabling high probabilities of converting leads into loyal customers.


We see a further integration of marketing and sales as more companies implement omnichannel strategies. Sales teams work directly with marketing departments to ensure the messaging across channels is aligned, and customer data is seamlessly shared. This helps knit a better approach toward engagement and leads to better results for both teams.

5. Personalization

Web personalization has been an upward trend for many years now, and with technology, the advancements are taking it higher. With deep access to customer data, sales teams can now pitch their outreach efforts to meet the needs and preferences of every unique prospect. 


This trend of sales technology helps the business connect better with prospects and customers for higher conversion rates and better customer relationships. According to McKinsey, companies that excel in personalization generate 40% more revenue from those activities than others.


Personalization across every stage of the selling process is now easier than ever through sales technology platforms. Whether this is automated email sequences triggered by particular customer behaviors or AI-driven recommendations that suggest the best next steps, personalization is becoming integral in successful sales strategies. 


Also, personalization is not confined to email outreach or product recommendations alone. Today’s sales reps take data-driven insights into every detail of their approach, from the best timing of outreach to which channels they should use to connect. All this personalization helps gain prospects’ trust and rapport, making them more likely to engage and convert.

Wrapping up

These are the emerging trends in sales technology that are making a change in how the sales team works. These trends mean new opportunities are opening up to enhance productivity, engage customers more, and assure better results. 


AI, automation, data-driven decision-making, omnichannel engagement, and personalization are crucial in reshaping the sales process. A business can position itself for success within this highly competitive market by staying ahead of such sales trends.


Ready to see how such sales technology trends will improve your sales? Get our Future of Selling eBook and discover everything it takes to propel your team forward.

Conquer at Dreamforce 2024: Transforming Sales Through AI

Dreamforce 2024, Salesforce’s annual event, just wrapped up. This year’s edition was filled with innovation, inspiration, and a whole lot of learning, showcasing the transformative power of AI and its role in enhancing customer success. Among many insightful speakers and engaging sessions, Conquer made a significant impact, diving deep into sales coaching with a theater presentation led by Conquer CRO, Rick Smith.

Key takeaway: Sales coaching is here to stay

A major theme that echoed throughout Dreamforce 2024 was that sales coaching is crucial for both organizational and individual performance, and as such, it isn’t going anywhere.


However, as Rick highlighted, many sales leaders struggle to implement effective coaching due to various obstacles. In his session, he talked about four major coaching killers: time, benchmarks, bias, and content. Rick explained how Conquer enhances efficiency by seamlessly integrating all sales tools into one platform, automating workflows, and providing real-time analytics that empower teams to make informed decisions quickly. 


Leveraging advanced AI technology, Conquer optimizes sales processes through predictive analytics, real-time insights, and personalized coaching, ensuring teams can focus on building strong customer relationships while driving revenue growth.  Rick emphasized that while everyone knows coaching is vital, over 60% of sales organizations still have a random or informal coaching approach.


To enhance the coaching experience, companies need to integrate AI into their processes.  With AI, the hours spent scheduling and reviewing calls are dramatically reduced. For example, Conquer records every conversation, identifying key moments to simplify the coaching process. Imagine the time saved when AI does the heavy lifting for you!


Then, AI can ensure that every seller is measured against the same criteria, providing a unified approach across the team. With a consistent benchmark, sales leaders can make informed decisions to drive improvement.


What makes AI truly remarkable is its ability to provide objective feedback, ensuring that every sales rep receives consistent, actionable insights. With AI in place, coaching quality remains unwavering, eliminating the impact of off days and delivering fair, data-driven assessments that empower sales teams to continuously improve. 


Lastly, finding the right content for coaching can be tricky, but AI simplifies this process. Rick explained how Conquer helps deliver immediate feedback during calls and identifies critical moments for follow-up discussions. This makes coaching sessions more productive and insightful, wrapping up the top solutions for solving common sales coaching hiccups.

Sales coaching

Other highlights from Dreamforce 2024

Aside from Rick’s session, several other exciting developments took center stage at Dreamforce 2024. The event had over 400 engaging sessions tailored to different audiences, roles, and industries. Some of the most groundbreaking highlights include:

Salesforce Agentforce

For starters, Marc Benioff from Salesforce unveiled Agentforce, an autonomous agent for driving sales. The main keynote was promoted through the idea that “humans with agents drive customer success together.” 


Salesforce showcased this through an AI agent who handled a customer support request, illustrating how these agents can work alongside humans to enhance service delivery. Many speakers emphasized that integrating AI into daily operations will not only increase efficiency but also create more meaningful interactions with customers.

Data-driven solutions

The importance of a clean data foundation was another recurring theme throughout Dreamforce 2024. According to many Salesforce speakers, clean data is the best tool for effectively using AI, especially in relation to Agentforce. 


Sessions emphasized that organizations need high-quality, accurate data to train AI models and ensure they can deliver actionable insights. By establishing a strong data infrastructure, sales teams can make informed decisions and unlock the full potential of their AI tools, leading to better customer experiences and increased sales performance.

Salesforce Foundations Bundle

Salesforce also announced the launch of a new bundle called Salesforce Foundations for Enterprise Edition and higher. This package includes various Clouds and tools to prepare organizations for the Agentforce rollout. 


Recognizing that each agency has unique needs, Salesforce aims to provide personalized packages that cater to different requirements. This customization is vital in today’s business landscape so that organizations can scale effectively via AI technology.

Wrapping up Dreamforce 2024

Dreamforce 2024 was a powerful reminder of the evolving landscape of sales and service technologies. We saw how AI tools like Agentforce and Conquer streamline workflows and reduce repetitive tasks, allowing employees to concentrate on more strategic initiatives that actually drive growth.


Attendees also got to explore how new tools and strategies can empower organizations to harness the power of their data more effectively. This year’s edition showed how AI and data-driven solutions are completely shaping the future of customer interactions.


All in all, we couldn’t be more excited to be a part of this journey. Schedule a demo to see Conquer’s AI-driven coaching capabilities today!

Boosting Sales Efficiency and Adoption with Conquer for a Leading Payroll Company

What is Digital Sales? Digital sales is the term used to describe a sales rep’s utilization of virtual channels to contact potential prospects, provide them with education on your product or service and ultimately provide them with a solution that satisfies their

Boosting Sales Efficiency and Adoption with Conquer for a Leading Payroll Company

A Fortune 1000 HR/payroll provider grappled with severely low adoption of their prior sales enablement tool due to poor audio quality and ineffective issue resolution. This led to compliance risks as reps resorted to using personal phones, creating a visibility gap and potential PII liability.

Poor call quality resulted in disconnected customers, abandoned calls, and lost business. They urgently needed a top-tier telephony and service solution to turn the situation around for their sales organization.


CHALLENGE #1: Inferior Call Quality & Poor Issue Resolution

The call quality from our client’s earlier tool was so poor that leads would hang up and frustrated agents ended up using personal cell phones instead. Problems like latency, dropped calls, connection failures, and dead air were commonplace, leading to customer dissatisfaction and lost leads. Inbound calls frequently crashed, callers weren’t properly identified, transfers often dropped, and ultimately resulted in orphaned records lacking proper data attribution. The frequent issues faced by the sales team led to a high volume of support requests. However, the incumbent vendor provided subpar communication and responsiveness, exacerbating the problem.


CHALLENGE #2: No Activity Tracking & Compliance Risks

The previous solution’s failure to automatically log calls led to reps manually dialing out of frustration. Furthermore, the use of personal devices for work led to PCI compliance issues and data problems, including duplicate leads and lack of activity tracking. Fines from breaches in PCI compliance can range from $5,000 to $100,000 per month, highlighting the severity and potential risk of this issue.




With an enterprise-grade telephony network of tier one carriers, Conquer provided our client with the highest available call quality. Because Conquer is native to Salesforce, all calls across both inbound and outbound channels were tracked and logged directly to the CRM, ensuring accountability and data integrity. Perhaps most importantly, Conquer’s outstanding partnership and world-class service stood out among vendors.



THE IMPACT: Enhanced User Adoption, Efficiency, and Compliance

In the first year of using Conquer, our client achieved:

  • 75% increase in user adoption
  • 15x increase in sales operation efficiency
  • 100% PCI compliance across all teams


Conquer’s successful resolution of key issues led to soaring user adoption. Additionally, since Conquer is native to Salesforce, increased user adoption of Conquer also maximized the client’s CRM investment. With its user-friendly interface and automated logging of all interactions, Conquer increased efficiency and ensured accurate, compliant reporting across all channels.


We want partners to work through our roadmap and strategy. Conquer is more of a partner than a software.
While stability is important during tough times, if you have the right partner, you can work through any
challenge by showing up and figuring out what can be done together.
-Client Sales Enablement Manager

Fortune 500 Waste Company Eliminates Call Audio Issues with Conquer

Our client, a leader in the waste and energy industries, was grappling with significant problems in their call center operations.

Fortune 500 Waste Company Eliminates Call Audio Issues with Conquer

Our client, a leader in the waste and energy industries, was grappling with significant problems in their call center operations. The quality of their calls was subpar, often resulting in lag, crashes, and distortion. Calls went unreported and inbound callers were being routed incorrectly. Further compounding these issues were the poor customer support and unresponsive technical assistance from their previous call audio provider.

Understanding the crucial role of clear and reliable communication in their business, our client sought a more robust solution. They wanted an improved call quality experience for both their customers and agents. Additionally, they needed a provider that offered strong support and seamless integration with their existing systems.


CHALLENGE #1: Poor Call Quality & Unresponsive Support

“One of the primary reasons we selected Conquer was to make the [sales rep] position easier and to feed the work to our representatives so they can be successful.”

Our client’s previous solution was rife with call latency and distortion issues due to use of a lower quality telephony provider. These issues frustrated both sellers as well as customers, only magnified by a lack of timely and effective response from our client’s previous vendor. Moreover, identifying inbound callers with their associated records was a multi-screen and time consuming process. With poor call quality and a total lack of technical support leaving their sellers without help, our client knew they needed to pivot to a new tool.


CHALLENGE #2: Clunky Integrations & Inconsistent Reporting

“Technology enables us to be very transparent…but it needs to be the same information. It shouldn’t be two sets of numbers [to operate from]…you have to have buy-in and trust in the numbers that you’re relaying, and you must be transparent about it.”

Besides the frustrating technical issues caused by their previous solution, our client realized they had a gap in their coaching efficacy. Inconsistent reporting and incomplete records caused wide gaps in data accuracy, as well as a lack of compliant recording functionality. They additionally needed a more effective tool than their previous clunky integration to work seamlessly with their existing sales coaching system.




“We chose Conquer for our sales enablement, which has produced exactly what we wanted: increased runway and positive results. A consistent experience for our representatives and really moving us forward.”

Conquer helped our client solve their audio issues through a telephony backbone supported by a network of tier one carriers, optimized to remove latency and immediately resolve any unexpected problems on a call. Beyond this, Conquer’s native functionality ensured that data from every single call was automatically captured in Salesforce. This proved vital in generating accurate reports, which in turn facilitated more informed decision-making. Beyond solving the company’s pressing audio issues, Conquer also brought additional benefits. It allowed for a seamless workflow with our client’s sales coaching platform, improving the efficiency of our their operations while also enhancing the motivation and productivity of their agents. Our client gained instant access to issue resolution teams through Conquer’s dedicated client services, while also providing a venue for key contributions to the direction of product development.



THE IMPACT: High Value Results

The impressive results of implementing Conquer:

  • 34% increase in call connections
  • 20% increase in call durations
  • 10% increase in outbound call


The company saw a 34% increase in call connections, a 20% boost in call durations, and a 10% rise in outbound calls. Moreover, the company gained greater control over rep workflows, improved metrics on rep efficacy, and had an easier time managing their remote teams. Perhaps most importantly, Conquer Voice worked seamlessly with their existing sales coaching system, providing the necessary data for effective instruction and analysis. This not only contributed to the growth of individual agents but also played a significant role in the company’s overall success. Our client’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of choosing the right call audio solution.


“Is there anything you need in your tech stack besides Conquer?”
-Client Senior Inside Sales Manager

Inside Sales Transformation: Boosting Sales Results by 150% with Conquer

As one of the largest financial providers in the US and one of the “World’s Most Admired Companies”, it was critically important for our client to provide their global Inside Sales team with a more effective Sales Engagement tool. Their previous, integrated solution was not  providing the desired customer experience, with high inbound hold times directly leading to lost business. Friction at multiple inflection points was stalling out their inside sales process.


CHALLENGE #1: Lost inbound business

“It is typical for us to see that…1 in 5 deals [are] left on the table.”

Struggling with abandoned calls and lost opportunities due to high wait times, our client needed a change. Their previous solution led to frustrated prospects hanging up before connecting with a representative. This hindered their sales funnel and jeopardized hitting revenue targets.


CHALLENGE #2: Sales Process & Prioritization

“We cannot hit our sales plan unless…we continually improve our sales productivity and that’s exactly what our plan is.”

Coordinating thousands of Inside Sales Reps on diverse teams proved complex. Ensuring a uniform, effective sales process while providing personalized training posed a challenge. Their existing solution lacked guidance, leading reps to miss crucial opportunities and losing potential customers.




The financial provider embraced Conquer for inside sales. Immediate success followed as Conquer streamlined the inbound process, slashing wait times by 98.3%. Skill-based routing and a native CRM solution ensured prompt connections, reducing customer frustration. Conquer’s prioritized workflows revolutionized the sales process. It kept reps focused by providing step-by-step guidance within Salesforce, boosting productivity and alignment. Reps knew the optimal channels, messages, and timing for each prospect interaction.

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Integrating new sales tools into your workflow is essential for

Discover the future of B2B sales with insights from top

Success in sales is a transformative process. It’s all about

Coaching Your Coaches: Improving Managerial Effectiveness Tuesday, October 22 12

The latest advancements in sales technology are transforming how businesses

Dreamforce 2024, Salesforce’s annual event, just wrapped up. This year’s

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