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AI-Driven Insights

Sell and service smarter with AI-driven Insights

Turn data into revenue with AI-powered analytics that refine your sales strategy, predict outcomes, and drive decisions that boost your bottom line. Stay ahead of the competition with real-time insights that elevate your revenue to new heights.


 increase in pipeline opportunities
0 %
increase in meetings booked
0 %
reduction in wait times for inbound calls
0 %


“Once you get Conquer…you’re going to see just how easy it is to use and the benefits of having it right inside of Salesforce…you’re going to feel comfort immediately with the technology.”

“Conquer makes you want to work in the tool like you don’t want to work outside the tool ever again.”

“Is there anything you need in your tech stack besides Conquer?”

Improve your sales performance with ground-breaking AI insights

In today’s fierce competition, it’s not just about closing deals; it’s about optimizing every step of the sales process. Conquer is designed to help enterprise teams enhance their sales performance by providing comprehensive analytics across the entire customer journey. 

Identify and target the most promising leads with actionable AI insights.
Reduce the time it takes to move prospects through the sales pipeline.
Equip your team with tools that provide real-time visibility into their performance.

Predict and optimize revenue with accurate sales forecasting

Forecasting sales isn’t just about guessing numbers—it’s about making informed predictions that drive better business decisions. Conquer gives your sales team the tools to accurately forecast revenue, ensuring your strategy is always aligned with your business goals. 

Use real-time AI data to forecast sales trends and outcomes with greater precision.
Analyze detailed metrics to identify which activities are most effective.
Automatically log and track every interaction for a complete view of the sales pipeline.

Trusted by industry leaders around the world

Discover smarter ways to sell with Conquer Insights

Empower your team to make smarter decisions, faster. Conquer revolutionizes your sales process from the first touchpoint to closing the deal, boosting efficiency, enhancing decision-making, and driving revenue growth.

Introduction to the Future of Sales Technology

Discover the future of sales technology! Explore emerging tools like AI, automation, and more, shaping the future of sales. Read to stay ahead!

How to Craft Sales Emails that Get Responses

Email is a powerful sales tool, but only if used effectively. Crafting effective sales emails requires a mix of art and data, along with a thoughtful approach.

How to Manage a Remote Sales Team

Managing remote sales teams is now the new norm. As leaders across inside sales and field sales adapt, there are a few key differences to be aware of.

Elevate Your Sales Game with Conquer!

Unlock the full potential of your sales process with Conquer. Our platform is designed to streamline your operations, enhance efficiency, and drive revenue growth. From the initial contact to closing the deal, Conquer ensures a seamless and effective sales journey. Experience the transformation today!


growth in average deal size
0 x
increase in pipeline creation
0 %

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      I agree to receive marketing communications from Conquer. Conquer handles your data in accordance to Conquer's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.