ConquerBlogs Resource Library

The Top 10 Ways to Be a Successful SDR & Win Prospects

The job of an SDR is one of the most challenging and essential in sales. These people are at the front lines of new business, working tirelessly to book discovery calls for account executives. Whether you’re focused on calls, emails, social, video, etc., we’ve put together a list of 10 tips SDRs can leverage to be successful. 1. Do Your Research Most prospects receive multiple cold calls, emails, and a never-ending stream of LinkedIn connection requests from SDRs and AEs alike. For this reason, research is critical for SDRs who must find a way to stand out from the crowd. LinkedIn is a...

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Data Management: It Can Make or Break Your Sales Strategy

In the interconnected world of B2B selling today, data is the driving force behind any competent sales team. Those who have worked in sales before know that data is the lifeblood of the organization and dictates how and when prospects or customers should be approached. Keeping a clean and accurate pool of data will lead to informed and productive customer interactions. Improper data entry, on the other hand, can lead to frustrating and awkward conversations: “This is the wrong number, they don’t work in this department.” “You guys called me yesterday.” “Wasn’t the meeting scheduled for...

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How Video Prospecting Can Boost Your Reply Rates and Revenue

A common scenario: it’s way past time for bed, but you have to check your phone one more time. A few hours later, you find yourself watching yet another recipe video that you will never attempt. And oh, look at that cute dog video. And that video about saving sea turtles started playing as soon as you scrolled past it, so you might as well take two minutes to finish it.   It seems like there is a video for everything. Including your sales process. Whether it’s a live feed of a tech webinar or a classic YouTube goof, videos catch our attention and remain in our memory, and have...

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5 Benefits of a Truly Native Sales Engagement Platform

Traditionally, sales engagement platforms have been applications that require a bi-directional sync with your CRM to share and update prospect and customer data and records. This may not initially seem like an issue but it often leads to data in your CRM not being tracked accurately all the time. Inaccurate CRM records can lead to inaccurate CRM reports, which can ultimately hinder your ability to make critical business decisions based on your sales data and information. To eliminate this pain, we built our sales engagement platform, Conquer Cadence, directly in Salesforce - making it the...

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How to Keep a Successful Sales Cadence Going

What is it? Cadence refers to “a flow or rhythm of events.” In sales, those “events” are interactions with prospects, typically referred to as touchpoints. Once you make contact with a prospect, how often do you touch base with them without verging on obnoxious? Keeping a good sales cadence is a delicate art, and it often looks different from one sales process to another, and sometimes even one sale to another. A good sales cadence provides a standardized procedure for keeping in touch with clients so that it’s easier to track where each client is in the sales process. What are the best...

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Sales Engagement Platform vs. CRM: The Importance of Having Both

In the world of customer relationships and business, companies are being urged to use both Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools and a Sales Engagement Platform (SEP). Some might ask why you need both, and what's the difference between SEP and CRM? Here's some of the reasoning behind adopting both solutions in your enterprise business architecture.   People and Processes One of the key differences in the Sales Engagement Platform vs. CRM discussion is that CRM is centered more on identities, and SEP is focused on a pipeline process. Where a CRM is “record-focused”—its main...

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Fixing What’s Broken in Digital Sales: 4 Guiding Principles

In 2021 and beyond, the top sales trends are all about leveraging technology, not for added complexity and platforms, but to actually optimize technology for simplicity. Below, we explore four main principles that serve as a guide for revenue leaders across all industries. You’ll see a continued emphasis on leveraging and simplifying the tech stack, using today’s modern sales engagement process as the north star. The four guiding principles for fixing what’s broken in digital sales are: Not just aligning sales and marketing, but ingraining them together Derive real business value from big...

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KPIs Sales Managers Should Use to Track Remote Reps Right Now

The Covid-19 pandemic triggered what many are referring to as the “world’s biggest work-from-home experiment” and KPIs were one of many things undergoing considerable change. By early March, millions of Americans were forced to leave their offices and work-from-home. For most, this occurred within a 24 to 48-hour timeframe, creating a wide spectrum of complex challenges — both in terms of sales teams and their managers. While previously only 7 percent of U.S. workers had the option to work remotely, in response to COVID-19, approximately 66 percent of employees currently work-from-home....

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The Difference (or Lack of) Between Inside Sales and Outside Sales

Following the recent lockdown measures and work-from-home strategies, the role of outside sales reps dramatically shifted. Overnight, the concept of inside sales vs outside sales essentially disappeared. Field sales teams were grounded, and in response, many businesses scrambled to make internal changes. To ensure the ongoing growth and success of your company, you must adjust to the new normal and come to terms with the fact that your business model has now changed. Your go-to-market strategy will continue to change and if you do not adapt, you will be left behind.   We Have Been...

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How to Manage a Remote Sales Team

Managing remote sales teams is now the new norm. As leaders across inside sales and field sales adapt, there are a few key differences to be aware of. How can you manage a remote sales team and still maintain the same performance as pre-COVID-19? Rewind a few months and this was uncharted waters. But today, managing remote sales teams is the new norm. Although remote work was already steadily on the rise, following recent events, we essentially jumped into the future overnight. Although this has forced companies to make swift changes and push sales managers to adapt, the benefits of...

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