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Your go-to hub for top sales strategies backed by real data


How to Craft Sales Emails that Get Responses

Email is a powerful sales tool, but only if used effectively. Crafting effective sales emails requires a mix of art and data, along with a thoughtful approach.

Guided Selling for Sales Leaders: 10 Reasons to Leverage Guided Selling in 2023

In today’s day and age, sales teams – from field AEs through SDRs – are more dispersed and remote than ever. New technologies and strategies are required to keep performance levels high in the current selling landscape. One strategy companies can leverage to maintain productivity is guided selling. Download “Guided Selling for Sales Leaders: 10 Reasons to Leverage Guided Selling in 2023” to learn about the benefits sales leaders will see by implementing guided selling. Please fill out the form to access the eBook.

Conquer Recognized As A Leader In The 2021 Aragon Research Globe For Sales Enablement Platforms

We are proud to announce Conquer’s has been recognized as a Leader in the 2021 Aragon Research Globe™ for Sales Enablement Platforms. Aragon’s 4th Annual Report ranks 14 major sales enablement providers based on two factors: strategic company vision and performance aligned with achieving that vision.


Boosting Sales Efficiency and Adoption with Conquer for a Leading Payroll Company

What is Digital Sales? Digital sales is the term used to describe a sales rep’s utilization of virtual channels to contact potential prospects, provide them with education on your product or service and ultimately provide them with a solution that satisfies their

Boosting Sales Efficiency and Adoption with Conquer for a Leading Payroll Company


A Fortune 1000 HR/payroll provider grappled with severely low adoption of their prior sales enablement tool due to poor audio quality and ineffective issue resolution. This led to compliance risks as reps resorted to using personal phones, creating a visibility gap and potential PII liability.

Poor call quality resulted in disconnected customers, abandoned calls, and lost business. They urgently needed a top-tier telephony and service solution to turn the situation around for their sales organization.

CHALLENGE #1: Inferior Call Quality & Poor Issue Resolution

The call quality from our client’s earlier tool was so poor that leads would hang up and frustrated agents ended up using personal cell phones instead. Problems like latency, dropped calls, connection failures, and dead air were commonplace, leading to customer dissatisfaction and lost leads. Inbound calls frequently crashed, callers weren’t properly identified, transfers often dropped, and ultimately resulted in orphaned records lacking proper data attribution. The frequent issues faced by the sales team led to a high volume of support requests. However, the incumbent vendor provided subpar communication and responsiveness, exacerbating the problem.

CHALLENGE #2: No Activity Tracking & Compliance Risks

The previous solution’s failure to automatically log calls led to reps manually dialing out of frustration. Furthermore, the use of personal devices for work led to PCI compliance issues and data problems, including duplicate leads and lack of activity tracking. Fines from breaches in PCI compliance can range from $5,000 to $100,000 per month, highlighting the severity and potential risk of this issue.


With an enterprise-grade telephony network of tier one carriers, Conquer provided our client with the highest available call quality. Because Conquer is native to Salesforce, all calls across both inbound and outbound channels were tracked and logged directly to the CRM, ensuring accountability and data integrity. Perhaps most importantly, Conquer’s outstanding partnership and world-class service stood out among vendors.

THE IMPACT: Enhanced User Adoption, Efficiency, and Compliance

In the first year of using Conquer, our client achieved:

  • 75% increase in user adoption
  • 15x increase in sales operation efficiency
  • 100% PCI compliance across all teams

Conquer’s successful resolution of key issues led to soaring user adoption. Additionally, since Conquer is native to Salesforce, increased user adoption of Conquer also maximized the client’s CRM investment. With its user-friendly interface and automated logging of all interactions, Conquer increased efficiency and ensured accurate, compliant reporting across all channels.

We want partners to work through our roadmap and strategy. Conquer is more of a partner than a software.
While stability is important during tough times, if you have the right partner, you can work through any
challenge by showing up and figuring out what can be done together.
-Client Sales Enablement Manager

Fortune 500 Waste Company Eliminates Call Audio Issues with Conquer

Our client, a leader in the waste and energy industries, was grappling with significant problems in their call center operations.

Fortune 500 Waste Company Eliminates Call Audio Issues with Conquer

Our client, a leader in the waste and energy industries, was grappling with significant problems in their call center operations. The quality of their calls was subpar, often resulting in lag, crashes, and distortion. Calls went unreported and inbound callers were being routed incorrectly. Further compounding these issues were the poor customer support and unresponsive technical assistance from their previous call audio provider.

Understanding the crucial role of clear and reliable communication in their business, our client sought a more robust solution. They wanted an improved call quality experience for both their customers and agents. Additionally, they needed a provider that offered strong support and seamless integration with their existing systems.

CHALLENGE #1: Poor Call Quality & Unresponsive Support

“One of the primary reasons we selected Conquer was to make the [sales rep] position easier and to feed the work to our representatives so they can be successful.”

Our client’s previous solution was rife with call latency and distortion issues due to use of a lower quality telephony provider. These issues frustrated both sellers as well as customers, only magnified by a lack of timely and effective response from our client’s previous vendor. Moreover, identifying inbound callers with their associated records was a multi-screen and time consuming process. With poor call quality and a total lack of technical support leaving their sellers without help, our client knew they needed to pivot to a new tool.

CHALLENGE #2: Clunky Integrations & Inconsistent Reporting

“Technology enables us to be very transparent…but it needs to be the same information. It shouldn’t be two sets of numbers [to operate from]…you have to have buy-in and trust in the numbers that you’re relaying, and you must be transparent about it.”

Besides the frustrating technical issues caused by their previous solution, our client realized they had a gap in their coaching efficacy. Inconsistent reporting and incomplete records caused wide gaps in data accuracy, as well as a lack of compliant recording functionality. They additionally needed a more effective tool than their previous clunky integration to work seamlessly with their existing sales coaching system.


“We chose Conquer for our sales enablement, which has produced exactly what we wanted: increased runway and positive results. A consistent experience for our representatives and really moving us forward.”

Conquer helped our client solve their audio issues through a telephony backbone supported by a network of tier one carriers, optimized to remove latency and immediately resolve any unexpected problems on a call. Beyond this, Conquer’s native functionality ensured that data from every single call was automatically captured in Salesforce. This proved vital in generating accurate reports, which in turn facilitated more informed decision-making. Beyond solving the company’s pressing audio issues, Conquer also brought additional benefits. It allowed for a seamless workflow with our client’s sales coaching platform, improving the efficiency of our their operations while also enhancing the motivation and productivity of their agents. Our client gained instant access to issue resolution teams through Conquer’s dedicated client services, while also providing a venue for key contributions to the direction of product development.

THE IMPACT: High Value Results

The impressive results of implementing Conquer:

  • 34% increase in call connections
  • 20% increase in call durations
  • 10% increase in outbound call

The company saw a 34% increase in call connections, a 20% boost in call durations, and a 10% rise in outbound calls. Moreover, the company gained greater control over rep workflows, improved metrics on rep efficacy, and had an easier time managing their remote teams. Perhaps most importantly, Conquer Voice worked seamlessly with their existing sales coaching system, providing the necessary data for effective instruction and analysis. This not only contributed to the growth of individual agents but also played a significant role in the company’s overall success. Our client’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of choosing the right call audio solution.

“Is there anything you need in your tech stack besides Conquer?”
-Client Senior Inside Sales Manager

Inside Sales Transformation: Boosting Sales Results by 150% with Conquer

As one of the largest financial providers in the US and one of the “World’s Most Admired Companies”, it was critically important for our client to provide their global Inside Sales team with a more effective Sales Engagement tool. Their previous, integrated solution was not  providing the desired customer experience, with high inbound hold times directly leading to lost business. Friction at multiple inflection points was stalling out their inside sales process.

CHALLENGE #1: Lost inbound business

“It is typical for us to see that…1 in 5 deals [are] left on the table.”

Struggling with abandoned calls and lost opportunities due to high wait times, our client needed a change. Their previous solution led to frustrated prospects hanging up before connecting with a representative. This hindered their sales funnel and jeopardized hitting revenue targets.

CHALLENGE #2: Sales Process & Prioritization

“We cannot hit our sales plan unless…we continually improve our sales productivity and that’s exactly what our plan is.”

Coordinating thousands of Inside Sales Reps on diverse teams proved complex. Ensuring a uniform, effective sales process while providing personalized training posed a challenge. Their existing solution lacked guidance, leading reps to miss crucial opportunities and losing potential customers.



The financial provider embraced Conquer for inside sales. Immediate success followed as Conquer streamlined the inbound process, slashing wait times by 98.3%. Skill-based routing and a native CRM solution ensured prompt connections, reducing customer frustration. Conquer’s prioritized workflows revolutionized the sales process. It kept reps focused by providing step-by-step guidance within Salesforce, boosting productivity and alignment. Reps knew the optimal channels, messages, and timing for each prospect interaction.

The Future Of Selling

What is Digital Sales? Digital sales is the term used to describe a sales rep’s utilization of virtual channels to contact potential prospects, provide them with education on your product or service and ultimately provide them with a solution that satisfies their

What is Digital Sales?

Digital sales is the term used to describe a sales rep’s utilization of virtual channels to contact potential prospects, provide them with education on your product or service and ultimately provide them with a solution that satisfies their unique needs.

Digital sales give sales reps the ability to build relationships through both social and digital channels. This methodology was popularized during the pandemic but is likely here to stay. Digital sales aren’t intended to completely replace traditional sales, but rather exist to enhance sales through the use of digital channels. These digital channels give you much needed access to key information that, in turn, helps you make smarter, quicker decisions.

How to Create a Digital Sales Model

There are several different strategies you can utilize in the creation of your digital sales model. First and foremost is the use of customer data. Whether this includes data your business already has on file or data you and your business can collect from social media profiles and the like, this customer data helps you to better understand your customer and better sell to them specifically.

Another key component of the creation of a digital sales model is the utilization of digital channels. Whether it be social media, email, text messaging or video, digital channels can help you create a digital sales model that gets the most out of its virtual channels.

Beyond this, there’s also the distribution of digital content to your leads. From personalized content you created yourself to curated content you gathered from third party sources to online case studies that show real-world examples of your product or service in action, digital content can take your digital sales model to the next level.

A critical tool for a digital sales model is a sales engagement platform that allows your sales team to reach prospects via omnichannel sales cadences.

Want to learn more about Conquer’s SEP? Book a meeting with our sales team today.

Digital Sales

What is Digital Sales? Digital sales is the term used to describe a sales rep’s utilization of virtual channels to contact potential prospects, provide them with education on your product or service and ultimately provide them with a solution that satisfies their

What is Digital Sales?

Digital sales is the term used to describe a sales rep’s utilization of virtual channels to contact potential prospects, provide them with education on your product or service and ultimately provide them with a solution that satisfies their unique needs.

Digital sales give sales reps the ability to build relationships through both social and digital channels. This methodology was popularized during the pandemic but is likely here to stay. Digital sales aren’t intended to completely replace traditional sales, but rather exist to enhance sales through the use of digital channels. These digital channels give you much needed access to key information that, in turn, helps you make smarter, quicker decisions.

How to Create a Digital Sales Model

There are several different strategies you can utilize in the creation of your digital sales model. First and foremost is the use of customer data. Whether this includes data your business already has on file or data you and your business can collect from social media profiles and the like, this customer data helps you to better understand your customer and better sell to them specifically.

Another key component of the creation of a digital sales model is the utilization of digital channels. Whether it be social media, email, text messaging or video, digital channels can help you create a digital sales model that gets the most out of its virtual channels.

Beyond this, there’s also the distribution of digital content to your leads. From personalized content you created yourself to curated content you gathered from third party sources to online case studies that show real-world examples of your product or service in action, digital content can take your digital sales model to the next level.

A critical tool for a digital sales model is a sales engagement platform that allows your sales team to reach prospects via omnichannel sales cadences.

Want to learn more about Conquer’s SEP? Book a meeting with our sales team today.

Introduction to the Future of Sales Technology

Discover the future of sales technology! Explore emerging tools like AI, automation, and more, shaping the future of sales. Read to stay ahead!

Introduction to the Future of Sales Technology

Welcome to September at Conquer! This month, we’re diving into an exciting theme: The Future of Sales Technology. In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are increasingly relying on advanced technologies to enhance their sales strategies. This post explores emerging technologies in sales and their transformative potential.



The Future of Sales Technology

In the competitive sales landscape, staying ahead of technological advancements is essential. Sales technology is evolving at a rapid pace, allowing businesses to enhance productivity, better understand their customers, and refine their sales processes. Let’s explore the top emerging technologies in the field and their potential to revolutionize sales.



Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML are revolutionizing sales technology. AI enables teams to analyze vast amounts of data quickly, uncovering valuable insights. These tools help predict customer behavior, allowing for more effective targeting and personalization. Machine Learning, a branch of AI, improves over time by learning from past data. This means better predictions of customer behavior and more efficient lead management.

AI-powered tools also automate repetitive tasks like data entry and follow-ups, freeing sales representatives to focus on strategic tasks and relationship-building. As AI and ML evolve, we can expect even more sophisticated capabilities, such as hyper-personalized recommendations and real-time data processing.



Sales Automation

Sales automation tools are streamlining various sales processes. They handle time-consuming tasks like scheduling meetings, sending follow-up emails, and updating CRM systems. This automation boosts efficiency, reduces human error, and ensures consistency in communication.

With automation, sales teams can prioritize high-value activities over routine tasks. Future advancements will likely integrate more deeply with AI, offering predictive analytics and context-aware automation to further enhance sales processes.

CRM Enhancements

CRM systems are essential in sales technology but are evolving with advanced features. Modern CRMs now include AI-driven analytics and predictive insights. These enhancements allow sales teams to gain a comprehensive understanding of customer preferences and behaviors.

Enhanced CRMs facilitate better collaboration and provide actionable insights for more personalized engagement. Future developments may include real-time data integration and advanced predictive capabilities, making sales strategies more proactive and data-driven.

Voice and Conversational AI

Voice technology and conversational AI are becoming critical in sales. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants manage customer interactions and handle various tasks, such as answering questions and qualifying leads. This improves customer engagement and helps sales teams focus on closing deals.

Conversational AI tools, like chatbots, can guide customers through the sales process and provide instant responses. Voice technology allows sales reps to use voice commands for hands-free access to information and CRM updates, increasing productivity and multitasking capabilities.

Sales Enablement Platforms

Sales enablement platforms equip sales teams with the resources needed to engage buyers effectively. These platforms offer content management, real-time collaboration, and data-driven insights. They ensure sales reps have access to relevant content and tools, enhancing their ability to connect with prospects.

Future sales enablement platforms will integrate advanced features such as AI-driven recommendations and enhanced analytics. These improvements will support more targeted and impactful sales strategies.


The Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Sales Industry

The integration of AI, automation, and other technologies is reshaping the sales industry. Adopting these tools enhances sales processes, improves customer experiences, and drives growth.

AI and automation streamline tasks, freeing sales teams to focus on strategy. CRM advancements offer deeper insights and better data, while voice and conversational AI boost productivity and customer engagement. Sales enablement platforms provide crucial resources for effective interactions.

As these technologies evolve, they will create new opportunities for businesses. Embracing these innovations is essential for staying competitive and achieving long-term success. The future of sales technology is promising, with AI, automation, and advanced tools driving more personalized and effective sales strategies.

Digital Sales

What is Digital Sales? Digital sales is the term used to describe a sales rep’s utilization of virtual channels to contact potential prospects, provide them with education on your product or service and ultimately provide them with a solution that satisfies their

What is Digital Sales?

Digital sales is the term used to describe a sales rep’s utilization of virtual channels to contact potential prospects, provide them with education on your product or service and ultimately provide them with a solution that satisfies their unique needs.

Digital sales give sales reps the ability to build relationships through both social and digital channels. This methodology was popularized during the pandemic but is likely here to stay. Digital sales aren’t intended to completely replace traditional sales, but rather exist to enhance sales through the use of digital channels. These digital channels give you much needed access to key information that, in turn, helps you make smarter, quicker decisions.

How to Create a Digital Sales Model

There are several different strategies you can utilize in the creation of your digital sales model. First and foremost is the use of customer data. Whether this includes data your business already has on file or data you and your business can collect from social media profiles and the like, this customer data helps you to better understand your customer and better sell to them specifically.

Another key component of the creation of a digital sales model is the utilization of digital channels. Whether it be social media, email, text messaging or video, digital channels can help you create a digital sales model that gets the most out of its virtual channels.

Beyond this, there’s also the distribution of digital content to your leads. From personalized content you created yourself to curated content you gathered from third party sources to online case studies that show real-world examples of your product or service in action, digital content can take your digital sales model to the next level.

A critical tool for a digital sales model is a sales engagement platform that allows your sales team to reach prospects via omnichannel sales cadences.

Want to learn more about Conquer’s SEP? Book a meeting with our sales team today.

Inside Sales

What is Inside Sales? Inside sales is a selling process that takes place remotely—rather than from within any office-based environment. The process of inside sales differs from selling in the days of yore, once called “outside sales”; no longer do inside sales

What is Inside Sales?

Inside sales is a selling process that takes place remotely—rather than from within any office-based environment. The process of inside sales differs from selling in the days of yore, once called “outside sales”; no longer do inside sales professionals rely on any in-person meetings between the salesperson (or team) and their lead or potential customer.

Inside Sales: A Tech-Reliant Sales Technique

Instead of in-person meetings, inside sales teams rely on technological solutions to handle the selling process from the comfort of their own office (or remote workspace), and they may utilize a range of tools to help them communicate with leads in an effective manner, like the computer, smartphone, or even social media networks.

Sometimes, inside sales is done via email communications—and sometimes, inside sales teams use telephone technology, in conjunction with integrated sales software, that helps them sell via phone and keep track of every interaction along the way.

You may have heard the term before, and wondered: what is inside sales? One reason you may not have heard the term—despite the popularity of the process—is because the selling technique has become so ubiquitous that nearly all people mean “inside sales” when they simply use the term “sales.”

Benefits of Inside Sales

Inside sales works for both B2C and B2B businesses, but it has been more comprehensively adopted in the B2B realm. Why are inside sales so important and what are the benefits of adopting an inside sales approach?

  • Boosted productivity: Conduct all selling from your desk, without needing to take time to travel and meet with potential leads in person
  • Happier customers: Surveys show that even customers prefer to be sold to via online or phone communication, and not in-person meetings. Choose the type of selling that most appeals to the people whose buy-in you want.
  • More streamlined in-office processes: Inside sales allows you to communicate from the office and keep track of all interactions in one place. That way anyone in any department can see how a lead has been contacted and where they’re at in the process, and it can help ensure there is no redundant communication, and that everyone is addressed in a way that moves the process forward. No more selling, marketing, or offering support in silos.

Ready to learn more about Conquer Cadence? Book a meeting with our sales team today!

Sales Cadence

What is a Sales Cadence? A sales cadence is a sequence of sales activities or outreach methods that members on sales teams can use to create and nurture relationships with leads, so that they can ultimately encourage their prospects to take concrete steps towards

What is a Sales Cadence?

A sales cadence is a sequence of sales activities or outreach methods that members on sales teams can use to create and nurture relationships with leads, so that they can ultimately encourage their prospects to take concrete steps towards becoming buyers. Sales cadences, as their names suggest, have a rhythm to them, and they unfold over time.

The sales cadence is a selling strategy used by sales teams of all sizes and at all types of companies. Teams rely on sales cadences because they spread the sales process out into several strategic intervals. These intervals ensure you stay top of mind for a potential buyer—but that you don’t overwhelm or annoy a lead with your persistence. If you’ve been wondering, what is sales cadence? It can help to know that a sales cadence doesn’t just involve scheduled phone calls or emails. The entire process can take place over various types of selling technology or platforms, including:

  • Social media networks
  • Phone calls
  • Text messages
  • Emails
  • Videos
  • And more.

Not only does a sales cadence allow reps to be more productive but it also allows for managers and reps to test messaging and touchpoints to determine which are most effective for prospecting. For example, sales teams can tell whether leads are most likely to respond to phone calls or emails, whether they’re most likely to buy after a social media message or a text message, and whether most buy after 3 points of contact, or they need at least 5. As a sales team member uses a sales cadence, they can continuously refine it, get more effective at selling, and sell more.

Looking for a solution to build and leverage sales cadences? Try Conquer Cadence, the only truly native sales engagement platform for Salesforce. Talk to our sales team today!

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